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Our title partners at Swansea University

Swansea University is a research-led university that has been making a difference since 1920. Our community thrives on exploration and discovery and offers the right balance of excellent teaching and research, matched by an enviable quality of life.

Our stunning waterfront campuses make us a desirable location for students and staff from around the world, and our multicultural community provides a global perspective, enabling those who join us to develop skills and knowledge that set them on successful and enriching careers.

As a registered charity, we channel many of our donations towards world class research and student support. By investing in these areas, we are making ground-breaking discoveries in health and sustainability while ensuring that our students can excel at university, no matter their background or personal circumstances. Registered charity no. 1138342.

Prifysgol sy’n cael ei harwain gan ymchwil yw Prifysgol Abertawe, sydd wedi bod yn gwneud gwahaniaeth ers 1920. Mae ein cymuned amrywiol a chroesawgar yn ffynnu ar archwilio a darganfod, gyda chydbwysedd o addysgu ac ymchwil rhagorol, ynghyd ag ansawdd bywyd gwych.

Mae ein campysau glan-môr godidog yn ein gwneud yn lleoliad dymunol i fyfyrwyr a staff o bob cwr o’r byd, sy’n galluogi’r bobl sy’n ymuno â ni i ddatblygu sgiliau a gwybodaeth sy’n eu paratoi ar gyfer gyrfaoedd llewyrchus a llwyddiannus.

Fel elusen gofrestredig, rydym yn cyfeirio llawer o’n rhoddion at ymchwil o safon fyd-eang a chymorth i fyfyrwyr. Drwy fuddsoddi yn y meysydd hyn, rydym yn gwneud darganfyddiadau arloesol ym maes iechyd a chynaliadwyedd wrth sicrhau bod ein myfyrwyr yn gallu rhagori yn y brifysgol, beth bynnag eu cefndir neu eu hamgylchiadau personol.

Elusen gofrestredig, rhif. 1138342

To learn more about Swansea University go to

The LC at Freedom Leisure

The LC Swansea are proud to be partners of the Swansea Half marathon and excited to announce that Freedom Leisure are the headline sponsor of the family fun run. Freedom Leisure manages the LC Swansea in partnership with Swansea Council. Our aim is to “improve lives through leisure”, providing affordable, inclusive and sustainable facilities that the whole community can enjoy. Our sponsorship of the event aligns perfectly with our mission to promote health and wellness, so we’re proud to support this event and bring families together for a day of fitness and fun. At Freedom Leisure, we are deeply committed to giving back to our local community and this event allows us to showcase this commitment.


Gravells are proud to be the official vehicle partners of Front Runner Events and the Swansea races. The Gravell’s partnership will see top of the range electric vehicles displayed at the race village near the start and the official lead car will help runners on their way through the town in the brand-new Kia EV9. Founded in 1932 Gravels remains to be a leading motor company region renowned for its quality and service excellence. The partnership with Front Runner Events allows Gravells to give back to the community in a way that supports local events and promotes healthy lifestyles.

Core Highways

Core highways are the UK’s leading provider of Traffic Management, Barrier Solutions and Events Signage. The company is proud to be an event delivery partner of Front Runner Events, the organisers behind the Swansea Half Marathon. Core highways are honest and transparent in their working partnerships. Having supported this event for the last decade their long-standing relations is testimony to ethics. Everything they do is all about meeting your needs, so if you need traffic management solutions Core Highways are the right choice for you!

Matthews & Co

Matthews & Co are a leading firm of chartered accountants in Swansea & is committed to helping our clients achieve the right solution for their business. Offering bespoke specialised services to our clients including Advisory, Tax Planning & Compliance; our team of specialists can provide intelligent tax planning advice & guidance to meet all your tax obligations. If you require business advice on your company’s growth, development or acquisition, we take a structured approach to facilitate strategic investment advice.

To find out how your company can benefit by becoming a partner within our events portfolio please contact the Front Runner Events team on 01792 277310 or email: [email protected]

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