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Ever Present Runners

This week we catch up with Abi Morgan another one of our #EverPresent tribe who has participated in EVERY Swansea Half Marathon since we began! What spurred you on to start running? I was never any good at sports at school, and always got picked last by the team captains in games lessons. If it

Runners Can Regenerate Nature One Step At A Time

We are excited to announce that we are partnering with Swansea University to help their teams regenerate nature through the UK’s largest seagrass project. Scientists at Swansea University have set up the independent charity Project Seagrass in order to turn seagrass conservation research into action. This is a major international success story for Swansea University and we

Top Tips To Stay Safe When Running In The Dark

Getting your base training in during winter is a great way of keeping your fitness levels up and helping you prepare for next year’s race calendar but it’s important to stay safe when out running during the darker months. To help you be prepared we’ve put together some top tips for you to stay safe

Being Ever Present To #RunSwansea

This year we want to share inspiring stories of runners who have been part of our #RunSwansea journey since the very beginning. Being the few who have been #EverPresent at the Swansea Half Marathon take some doing, so if you’re one them – let us know!

This month we catch up with Julie…

Support for Women At Front Runner Events

Here at Front Runner Events, we always aim to make our events as inclusive as possible for all participants. Following the race guidelines outlined on SheRACES, we’ve made some adjustments to ensure our events are as female-friendly as possible. Women Only Toilets There will be women-only toilets supplied within the event village at all events, alongside

Train smart this Summer!

Whether you’re out for the occasional run, training for an event or on race day, it’s important that you’re looking after yourself when running in the heat. Summer running can be a pleasant experience however, it is important to carry out appropriate safety measures as it can also be a dangerous experience if not you’ve not prepared yourself properly. 

*NEW Rewards Programme*

You, our runners, make our events, so we want to ensure you get the rewards you deserve for taking part! That’s why, at the beginning of the year we launched a NEW loyalty reward programme.  So that by your particpation at our events, whether it’s running or volunteering, you’re rewarded! How it works… Redeeming points:

Front Runner Events Go GREENER!

Front Runner Events is going greener to reduce the carbon footprint and minimise the environmental impact across its events. Over a number of years, several trials have been undertaken to remove all unnecessary waste and plastic from its events, which has resulted in considerable reductions and improvements. The goal is now to go a step

Setting your running goals

Most of us are familiar with setting ‘SMART’ objectives but this can be applied to running too! S = Specific. Try to make your running goals precise. It might sound obvious, but instead of just wanting to run further, why not aim to complete a specific distance within a certain time (e.g. 3k within 20 mins)

Running Myths You Shouldn’t Believe!

There are many misconceptions and beliefs that runners often fall into the trap of believing. With thanks to our training partners at Realbuzz, we are sharing some of the common myths you should disregard. 1. You must stretch before a run. Stretching is generally not considered the best way to prepare for a run. Stretching

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